
Dental Braces

Looking to improve the function and appearance of your smile with modern dental braces? Contact us today for a smile assessment and find out if you're a suitable candidate for braces!

What are dental braces?

Dental braces are a type of orthodontic treatment that straighten and align teeth and jaws in order to improve their function and appearance.

Braces use force applied through brackets, wire, and sometimes elastics to move the teeth and jaws. Traditionally made of metal, dental braces are also available in clear ceramic material for a more discreet treatment option.

A pair of dental braces.

Who are braces for?

Kids, teens and adults can all benefit from orthodontic treatments with dental braces. Beyond aesthetic concerns, misaligned teeth and jaws can impact your long-term overall oral health. Braces are a safe and effective type of orthodontic treatment to achieve proper teeth alignment.

Dental braces can correct a variety of oral health issues, including:

  • Crooked, misaligned teeth
  • Overbite, underbite, crossbite
  • Overcrowded teeth
  • Gaps or spaces between teeth
  • Jaw misalignment
  • Breathing problems such as sleep apnea (in conjunction with jaw surgery)
A hand holding a pair of dental braces.

Innovative technology

Our fully digital workflow makes the braces process smooth, helps the orthodontist plan treatment accurately, and ensures excellent patient communication, which all adds up to a comfortable and satisfying experience for you.

We use intraoral scanners (iTero) that provide accurate 3D digital impressions of your teeth and oral structures. They eliminate the need for traditional impression materials, such as putty-like substances.

An image showing detailed information of dental braces.

Orthodontic care for all ages

Kids - Screening and early detection

The Canadian Association of Orthodontists (CAO) recommends kids have their first orthodontic consultation at age 7 to determine whether they may need orthodontics as they grow. An orthodontist can monitor a child's jaw growth and dental development.

Teenagers - Ready to take on the world

Teen years are a great time for orthodontic treatments, as the jaws and mouth are finishing development. A healthy smile can be a huge boost to their self esteem.

Adults - Bring out the best in your smile

It’s never too late to transform your smile. With modern orthodontic treatment options available, you can now get the smile you’ve always wanted!

A happy smiling family.
Get started today!

Complimentary Consultation

Take the first step towards a new smile with a complimentary first orthodontic consultation at Flex Orthodontics! Discover the possibilities for your smile transformation with our team of orthodontic specialists.


  • Complete orthodontic evaluation by an orthodontist

  • Radiographs - panoramic and/or cephalometric
    (As prescribed by the orthodontist)

  • 3D digital impression (iTero) and photos of your teeth

  • Personalized treatment plan

  • Flexible financing options

Fees may apply for any dental treatments, additional radiographs, or referrals to other professionals which may be required prior to starting your orthodontic treatment

What’s included?

Our braces treatment plans cover everything you need to improve your smile:

Treatment plan

Preview your smile and the corrections we plan


Digital imaging to assess teeth and bite

3D scans

Precise, comfortable impressions


Braces of your choice: metal or clear / ceramic


Your orthodontist will check and tighten the braces

Emergency visits

Come see us if you have any discomfort


To keep your new smile well aligned

How it works

Here's what you can expect when getting braces at our orthodontic clinic in Vaudreuil-Dorion.


Virtual smile assessment (optional)

You provide us with images of your smile. We then produce simulations of what your future smile could look like. This is a virtual process that does not require you to visit our clinic in person.


In-person consultation

During your visit, an orthodontist will create a custom treatment plan tailored to your unique goals and individual needs. This involves imaging to assess the position of your teeth and jaws.


Braces treatment

You'll come in for follow-ups when it's time to adjust your braces.


Your new smile

After your treatment is complete, we remove the braces and give you custom retainers. Wearing your retainers as prescribed helps you keep your new smile

Commonly asked questions

Want to know more about getting dental braces in Vaudreuil-Dorion with us?

How long do braces take?

Although your treatment timeline largely depends on the complexity of your malocclusion and your overall oral health, typical treatment time can range from about 6-36 months.

Do braces hurt?

Once you've gotten used to your braces, they shouldn't usually cause you pain or significant discomfort. You may experience mild soreness or affected speech after getting the braces applied or tightened. Ultimately, most patients agree that temporary discomfort is worth the long-term benefits.

What’s the difference between braces from a dentist vs. an orthodontic specialist?

While general dentists can offer services for orthodontic treatments, orthodontists are certified experts who specialize in the alignment of teeth and focus on the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of malocclusions. Becoming an orthodontist requires an additional 2-3 years of university education.

Can I play sports or musical instruments while wearing braces?

Yes! You can still live your normal life with braces. For sports, a mouthguard reduces the risk of mouth injury and damage to your braces. Playing instruments may feel odd at first, but will soon improve. Orthodontic wax, repositioning the tongue and lips, practice, and taking more breaks can all help. Clean your mouthpiece frequently. If you're still worried, you may want to consider clear aligners, a convenient and comfortable alternative.

Are braces covered by dental insurance?

Orthodontic coverage is often available, separately from regular dental care. Contact your insurance provider to review eligibility, coverage amounts, and any limitations. Braces are not covered under Canadian provincial healthcare programs (RAMQ).

How much do braces cost?

The cost of braces in Montréal depends on factors such as the complexity of your case and the estimated treatment time. At Flex Orthodontics, we aim to make orthodontic care work for you. It's your smile, your way!

Contact us to learn more about our flexible payment plans.

"Share your smile with the world. It’s a symbol of friendship and peace."

– Christie Brinkley

See more treatments

Clear Aligners (Invisalign™)

Not sure if braces are right for you? Modern 'invisible' aligner trays are more effective than ever at correcting smiles.

Learn more

Snoring & Sleep Apnea

Have trouble sleeping? Issues with snoring and breathing at night can often be improved with oral appliances or orthodontic care.

Learn more

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3040 Blvd de la Gare Unit #2 Vaudreuil-Dorion
QC J7V 0H1

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3040 Blvd de la Gare Unit #2 Vaudreuil-Dorion
QC J7V 0H1

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